Status Project Task Category Due Date Assigned To Location Priority
Open TAYLOR 12-13 prepare handover manual BIDS 09/11/2023 Sam Haragli Non-specified 1 - High
Open TAYLOR 12-13 lodge COU application with certifier BIDS 09/11/2023 Sam Haragli Non-specified 1 - High
Open NARRABUNDAH 10-104 Bid - External Cladding BIDS 23/07/2021 Sam Haragli Non-specified 1 - High
Open SYNERGY BUILDING GROUP ACT COU Application Process BIDS 09/11/2023 Sam Haragli Non-specified 1 - High
Open NARRABUNDAH 10-104 Selection - Front Door SELECTION 24/07/2021 Sam Haragli, Varun Reddy Gade ENTRY DOOR AND DOOR HARDWARE 1 - High
Open SYNERGY BUILDING GROUP ACT BWI Application Process BIDS 09/11/2023 Sam Haragli Non-specified 1 - High
Open Jannen Training Test BIDS 09/11/2023 Sam Haragli Non-specified 1 - High
Open KAMBAH 11-252 Survey BIDS 09/11/2023 Sam Haragli Typical Room 1 - High